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Little Sponsor Scheme

本頁圖片/檔案 - LJ20_ChildrenPhoto2

“Little Sponsor Scheme” encourages donors to give in the name of their children so as to teach them that “it is more blessed to give than to receive” by supporting the needy children in the community. Little Sponsors will be invited to join the Home's activities, sharing love with the children in need. The Scheme is for all children of the Home. No individual child will be matched.


How to become a Little Sponsor

  • Children aged 0-12
  • Donate $70 per month or $840 per year, for at least one year in support of the Scheme.
  • Will be given a "Certificate of Participation" as a recognition.
  • Opportunity to join the Sponsor’s Functions.
  • Family and friends, like grandparents and godparents, are welcome to donate in the name of their beloved child as a blessing by presenting the "Certificate of Participation" and a souvenir of the “Lok-lok" & "Yiu-yiu” Sponsorship Scheme to the Little Sponsor in person.


Use of Fund

The fund raised will be designated for providing accommodation, care, daily necessities, educational support, counseling and development opportunities for children in adversity (i.e. who cannot receive adequate family care, with special needs and from low-income family) as well as supporting the Home's service operation and development, with a mission to develop their potentials and facilitate them to live a life of fullness.