Whether you are individual, family, group, private or non-profit making organization, you may consider supporting St. Christopher’s Home in the following ways:
Policy Donation Program
Policyholders can consider donating a certain percentage of the sum (of their policy) insured to St. Christopher’s Home (e.g. 90% to family member and 10% to St. Christopher’s Home). Policy donation will not affect the quality of life of policyholder and provides a long-term and stable donation to St. Christopher’s Home, which is beneficial to the society.
For details, please contact our staff at 3756 4488. You can also contact your insurance agency/ consultant or visit www.lifecare.org.hk .
Bequest/ heritage donation
Bequest/ heritage donation of all types and in different formats are all welcomed by St. Christopher’s Home. You may appoint St. Christopher’s Home as the beneficiary of the bequest/ heritage donation when making or changing your will. You may consider to donate all or part of your bequest, property or other assets such as stock and bonds, etc.
Other supports
Individuals and organizations could organize events to spread the message of love and raise funds for children at the same time. Here are the examples:
- Donation box – promote the idea of donation;
- Charity Sales – raise fund by selling candy and gift, donating the profit and any remaining goods and merchandise to St. Christopher’s Home;
- Support Love Chocolate Charity Sales – cash donation or donate chocolate to our children.
We welcome creative activities for our children! For any enquiry, please contact our staff at 3756 4488 or email to develop@skhsch.org.hk .